Friday 12 October 2012

Mists of Pandaria - The Breakdown

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     Since the release of World of Warcraft in 2004, there have been many significant changes as far as game content goes. Most recently Blizzard dropped their fourth expansion “Mists of Pandaria” on September, 25. 2012. So what’s changed in those eight years you might ask? First off, new level caps reach an outstanding ninety. Although, besides the tedious pain of leveling there’s a bunch of great new aspects as well. Blizzard created brand new zones to boost adventure and feel in pandaria, a new race and class, introduced scenarios, pet battles, that old talent system you used? Well, it’s been revamped and simplified; of course dungeons and raids are released for you PvE lovers and new battlegrounds for you PvPr’s. Let’s get to the breakdown.


     With a new expansion, of course comes a new level cap. In mists, the player cap is set only five levels above the previous eighty five but, don’t let such a small number fool you for the grinds consist of millions of experience required to ding.


   (The Jade Forest: Level 85-86) - The Jade Forest is a zone located in eastern Pandaria, bordering the Valley of the Four Winds at the southwest and Kun-Lai Summit at the northwest. This will be your starting place until your ding to 86. Temple of the jade serpent is located in the jade forest just east of the zone. The landscape of the jade forest is almost entirely explained in the title. It’s a large lush area full of foliage and distinct Pandarian landmarks such as temples monasteries and farmlands.

  (Valley of the Four Winds/ Krasarang Wilds: Level 86-88) - Valley of the Four Winds is your desired next leveling zone depending on which choice you make. Krasarang is also in your best interest at eighty-six. The valley is a tranquil plain of lush farmland and is bordered by very dense foliage along the south and contains the "impassable" mountains of the north. Recently the valley has suffered a terrible malaise and had overcome the Pandaren that live along the coast. Stormstout Brewery is your level 86 dungeon found in Valley of the Four Winds. As for Krasarang Wilds, your other 86 zone is on Pandarias south coast. Many lost secrets of dynasty crawl along the lands of Krasarang, attracting many prophecy-seekers belonging to both the horde and alliance. But don't be fooled for Krasarang is home to vicious mogu and other dangerous creatures.

  (Kun-Lai Summit: Level 87-89) - Kun-Lai Summit is accessed through the Veiled Stair, which begins at the Grassy Cline in the Valley of Four Winds. Once you reach the summit, you'll be amazed at what you see! In the southern the lands are full of rich vibrant colours, with such a cool feeling like that of fall. When you move closer to the Northern you'll notice the landscape changes. Mountain tops are now covered in glistening snows that give you the cold chills of winter. The summit is the tallest mountains known to all of Azeroth. In the mountaintops you will discover The Temple of the White Tiger. The temple is an ancient training ground ran by and protected by an elite group of martial priests. The temple is also home to the white tiger itself. As you adventure deeper into the mountains you will discover another amazing place. The hideout of the Shadow-pan Clan. The Shadow-pan are charged with protecting Pandaria from the dark evils that are buried beneath its surface. There are a few raids / dungeons in Kun-Lai Summit. Your 5 man Shadow-Pan Monastery located North in the mountains, Northwest of Mount Neverest, then up the path to Winters Blossom. Mogu'shan is your 10/25 man raid. Six bosses inhabit the vaults. The entrance of the vaults is located in the Northeast of Kun-Lai Summit, on Magu'shan Terrace, overlooking the Zouchin province.

  (Townlong Steppes/ Dread Wastes: Level 89-90) - Townlong Steppes is a dangerous place to be. On the other side of the great wall lives the Mantid. A rampaging insect race. The Mantid have managed to break through the Pandarian defenses hundreds of years sooner than expected. With the wall destroyed, the Pandarian is left to investigate the dark secrets that lay on the other side. There are two dungeons located in Townlong Steppes. Gate of the setting sun is a level ninety heroic five man dungeon located within the spine foundry between Dread wastes and Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The other heroic five man dungeon is Siege of Niuzao Temple located in the Western Isles of Townlong Steppes. Dread wastes are your second eighty nine leveling zone. The wastes are the southern portion of Townlong region separated from the rest of Pandaria mainland by the great wall, Serpent's Spine. The wastes have become corrupted by dark and twisted energies. Located in the wastes is another 10/25 man difficulty raid. The entrance can be found underneath a large rotting stump of a tree directly in the middle of the wastes.

  (Vale of Eternal Blossoms: Level 90) – You’ve done it! You're finally level 90. But there’s a lot more left to do in this zone. Vale of Eternal Blossoms is the seat of the Pandaren Empire. Many years ago the vale was closed off to everyone except selected caretakers called the Golden Lotus’. Now open once again to the public, The Vale will be the new Dalaran of Mists. Where dailies and other great things take place.

New Race / Classes: 

     Pandaren are the new race introduced in Mists of pandaria. The most unusual thing about the new race is that after a certain chain quest you have the option to play on either horde or alliance. A new aspect the blizzard decided to add. Pandaren racials are as follows:
Epicurean - Your love of food allows you to receive double the stats from Well Fed effects.
Gourmand - Your Cooking skill is increased by 15.
Inner peace - Your rested experience bonus lasts twice as long as normal.
Bouncy - You take half falling damage.
Quaking palm - Strikes the target with lightning speed, incapacitating them for 4 sec, and turns off your attack.

Pandaren are playable to the following classes: 

• Hunters
• Mages
• Priests
• Rogues
• Shamans
• Warriors
• Monks.

     Monks are the newest playable class in World of Warcraft. Monks are listed as a hybrid class which means that they have more than just one role they can play. They are masters of bare-handed combat, and only draw a weapon for finishing moves. As for monk healers, they are almost of that of a shaman and druid hybrid. Dealing with spiritual arts and older practices to heal the wounded.

Monks can be played by the following races: 

• Human
• Dwarves
• Night elves
• Gnomes
• Draenei
• Orc
• Forsaken
• Tauren
• Troll
• Blood elves
• Pandaren

     When it comes to gearing your monk don't worry. They mimic that of Rogues and Druids depending on your selected spec. DPS/TANK Role monks will gear Agility, Where HEALING monks will typically pick up intellect gear. Monks cannot use shields, but they are able to equip off-hands. Monks are great fighters when it comes to hand to hand combat.

Although, in finishing moves the can and will pull out the following weapons: 

• One handed axes
• One handed maces
• One handed swords
• Fist weapons
• Staves
• Polearms

     In your last aspect of playing a monk specs play a large role. If you'd like to tank, you shall spec inside of the Brewmaster tree. Healing is in the Mistweaver tree and lastly melee DPS is in the Windwalker tree. Have fun!

 Pet Battles: 

     Pet battles are a new feature that has been introduced. Take a break from PvP yourself and play around in some pet battles! Teach your pets new skills to defeat others. The more victories you acquire the larger your skill range will become. Explore the world and come in contact with some Azeroth critters swell, for if you win you may be able to pick one of them up as your very own.


     Scenarios are almost like a 5 man dungeon except they can be completed in smaller groups. The main focuses are more on lore and mini quests to complete each scenario.

Below are the following scenarios to be introduced to Mists: 

• A Brewing Storm
• Arena of Annihilation
• Brewmoon Festival
• Crypt of Forgotten Kings
• Greenstone Village
ALLIANCE/HORDE Fall of Theramore
• Unga Ingoo

New Talent System: 

     The largest thing most people freak out about or have already was the release of the new talent tree. There have been changes in the past, but nothing as dramatic as Mists. In the older expansions, you would select points and insert them into certain tiers. The game still works like this, although you have lost several columns. Let’s try A LOT. Then way the new talent system works is instead of spec’ing every certain level, you now spec only once at levels 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90. Each talent point you get is specific to the tier for that level, and you can never have more than one talent per tier.

     Other than that you're set. And there you have it a simple thought-out explanation to hopefully help you understand the significant impacts that blizzard has put on all of us, so keep the leveling going, the rep grinds grinding and hopefully the laughs and adventures to keep going for so many more years!